SheQuila Roberts

SHE”Quila Roberts is a passionate advocate for education, mental & emotional health, and community-driven initiatives. As the founder of Determine Now, a 501c3 organization, and the dedicated Executive Director of Meditate With SHE, she has dedicated her career to making a positive impact on the lives of children and families.

At the heart of her mission lies Meditate With SHE, a platform she heads to offer vital Mental, Social, and Emotional (MSE) support for children and families. Quila recognizes the interconnectedness of mental/emotional well-being and education, and she strives to provide a holistic approach to address these needs.

SheQuila’s community-based approach is a testament to her belief in the power of collective efforts. By engaging families and communities, she envisions a positive intergenerational impact, where the nurturing of young minds becomes a shared responsibility.

Her unwavering commitment to empowering children and fostering well-being has earned “SHE”Quila Roberts the respect and admiration of her peers. Through her visionary leadership and compassionate dedication, she continues to create a lasting legacy of positive change in education and mental and emotional health for all.




  • $90 per hour session
  • 5 pack: 425
  • 10 pack: 800