Research Backed Support to Mindful Living

Please explore the site for the many diverse, inclusive, and available offerings- yoga, mindfulness practices, upcoming workshops, coaching, and research inquiries.

I really am glad you are here. In a world that tells you no, here you have chosen to be a yes. A yes to a more balanced self. Here you will find resources dedicated to mindful living- offering necessary tools engineered for mind-body balance. Whether you are looking for coaching or bodywork services, each offering is personalized per individual, and results may vary per client and program offered.



One of our special offerings that The Mindful Prof provides is mindful somatic coaching- where mindfulness and coaching meet. In mindfulness, we learn to shift from doing mode into being mode. The ‘doing mode’ is typically characterized by stories, thinking, oriented towards past or future, automatic pilot and reactions or impulses. ‘Being mode’ on the other hand entails concepts like process, feelings, orientation to the here and now, intention and creative choice.



We incorporate varied modalities and have different coaches applying and facilitating somatic, contemplative, and mindful ways of being- through coaching models or bodywork services. Please check out the resources on our site, and we are here to support your journey.


Finally, it’s important to note this work is not psychotherapy.  Although we do primarily use dialogue and awareness as a tool, the intent is not to diagnose any mental health condition, but to develop your body’s growing abilities to handle stress and respond effectively and comfortably to life’s ups and downs.


The Mindful Prof is a trusted associate of multiple therapy practices within Central Florida. We are comfortable and experienced in discussing clinical material with mental health professionals with respect to confidentiality and client care.


We are here for you along your journey toward wholeness.


Sincerely, Dr. K and The Mindful Prof Team


“Bodywork” is a broad term encompassing various practices and therapies- at the Mindful Prof we offer massage, reiki, and sound therapy.

Personalized Coaching

Somatic coaching is all about helping clients explore and draw connections to where they feel different emotions in their bodies and can be done through a variety of contemplative methods.

Mindful Business

Mindfulness has continued to gain popularity in workplace settings as research has shown that they offer comprehensive tools to decrease stress, increasing wellbeing and self-efficacy.

Online Courses

Courses and Group Coaching available to deepen your understanding on mindful living through online instruction.

Testimonials: What Our Clients ARe Saying
I highly recommend Kelsey's integrated training program of yoga, meditation, and biofeedback for anyone seeking to find a higher level of joy and peace.
During the pandemic, I realized that my teenager needed better tools for complicated circumstances and big feelings. Right away, I was impressed with the way that Dr. K communicated potentially overwhelming concepts with ease, respect and without judgement. She validates my child's feelings and gives her real tools that she can use in her daily life.
Dr. K was just what I needed! I, like many others, found myself facing uncertainty and disconnection while trying to navigate during a pandemic. Mindful meditation and yoga coaching allowed me to regain a sense of normality during a time when nothing seemed normal. Her ability to connect, gently lead, encourage, and uplift allowed me to tap into all that I am and trust that the universe would give me all that I needed. I learned how to implement daily meditation and yoga practices that help me as an educator to meet the needs of my students while caring for myself. I became more centered and intentional while practicing self-care and self-compassion. Dr. K provided a safe space during a time of disconnection and political divisiveness. The tools and insight that she shared are invaluable. If you are looking for a coach, look no further.
Dr. Kelsey has been my teacher and coach in yoga and meditation for over 10 years. As an educator and S&C coach, she's who I turn to for all things mindfulness.
I took several yoga classes with Kelsey and she is phenomenal! She radiates positive energy and love and this is evident in her practice. As a yoga instructor, she's the best that I have experienced because she makes you feel her positivity and her faith in you as her student. Her classes are fun, challenging, and calming. Her dedication to her craft is inspiring and motivational. This is one of those people that you never forget because of the impact that she made in your life. Keep shining bright, Kelsey, and continue sharing your essence with the world.
Having previously had issues with anxiety and depression, I knew I wanted to work with someone that was accessible, inclusive, and certified in the best healing modality for my specific need. Dr K was able to curate a program for me that allowed me to access the stress I was feeling in my physical body and use mindfulness tools for self-regulation purposes. I implement them each week, especially when I’m feeling stressed at work.
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